JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language. It is designed for creating network-centric applications. It is complimentary to and integrated with Java. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML. It is open and cross-platform.
This online training has been prepared for JavaScript beginners to help them understand the basic functionality of JavaScript to build dynamic web pages and web applications.
JavaScript Development Training
Browsing through the internet, you will realize that websites have become more interactive, intuitive and visually appealing. The technology that helps develop theses amazing websites is JavaScript. JavaScript has seen several revisions and additions since it first made its appearance in the technology world and for any beginner or experienced web developer, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest revisions.
In our comprehensive workshop, we have decoded and demystified JavaScript, making it simple for beginners to learn and grasp its fundamentals with ease. You will learn through examples and hands-on practice sessions about manipulating and traversing the DOM and adding event handlers to web page elements, writing jQuery scripts, and creating unique interactivity on web sites such as navigation through sliders, updating content through Ajax and much more. This is an entry level course that will take you from the basics to the advanced and help you create unique, out-of-the-box functionality for your websites. We also offer free reference materials to the registered candidates at our institute.
Here’s what you will learn!
- The core elements of the JavaScript language to help you write your own scripts
- The complete fundamentals of jQuery starting from the basics and progressing to the advanced to help you solidify your script writing skills
- The art of making your websites more interactive by adding content filers, form validations, having sliders, animations and handling errors
Is this coaching right for your career success?
This Javascript development training course is apt for software developers, aspiring web developers and anyone with a flair for technology.
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is sufficient to pursue this JavaScript development certification.
Module 1: JavaScript Basics
- JavaScript Syntax
- Literals, identifiers and reserved words
- Basic Rules
- Dot Notation
- Square Bracket Notation
- Expressions and expression evaluation
- JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
- Statements
Module 2: JavaScript Core
- Objects and Arrays
- Functions
- Scope
- Closure
Module 3: Variables, Arrays and Operators
- JavaScript Variables
- Working with Numbers and Strings
- A Loosely-typed Language
- Storing User-Entered Data
- Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Array Properties and Methods
- JavaScript Operators
Module 4: JavaScript Functions
- Built-in Functions
- User-defined Functions
- Function Syntax
- Passing Values to Functions
- Returning Values from Functions
- Built-In JavaScript Objects
- Typeof Operator
Module 5: Conditionals and Loops
- if - else if - else Conditions
- Switch / Case
- while Loop Syntax
- do...while Loop Syntax
- for Loop Syntax
- Loop Syntax
Module 6: JavaScript and the Browser
- The Implicit window Object
- The getElementById() Method
- The getElementsByTagName() Method
- The getElementsByClassname() method
- The querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods
- Event Handlers
- Creating, Inserting and Deleting Nodes
- Element Position Manipulation
- Scrolling
- Manipulating CSS
- Scripting Inline Styles
- Scripting CSS Classes
- Scripting Style Sheets
- Working with cookies
Module 7: JavaScript Form Validation
- Accessing Form Data
- Basics of Form Validation
- The this Object
- Validating Radio Buttons
- Validating Checkboxes
- Validating Select Menus
- Focus, Blur, and Change Events
- Focus and Blur
- Validating Textareas
Module 8: AJAX
- AJAX Basics
- Xhr Overview
- Parsing XML
- Parsing JSON
- XhrCallbacks
- Catching and Throwing errors
- Using Assertions
Module 10: Navigator, History, and Location Objects
- The navigator Object
- Feature Detection
- history Object
- location Object
Module 11: Debugging JavaScript
- Chrome developer tools overview
- Using the console API
- Using the JavaScript debuggers in Chrome Developer Tools
- Using Firebug and IE Developer tools
Module 12: JavaScript Advanced
RIA Architecture Overview
- Difference between traditional web application and RIA architectures
- Role of JavaScript & related frameworks
Module 13: Expressive JavaScript
- The Flexibility of JavaScript
- JavaScript as a Loosely Typed Language
- Functions as First-Class Objects
- Object Mutability
Module 14: Functions In Depth
- Function Objects
- Function Literal
- Function Invocation Patterns
- Augmenting Types
- Recursion & Closures
- Functions as Callbacks
- Function Currying & Memorization
Module 15: Closures In Depth
- Binding Function Contexts
- Overriding Function Behavior
Module 16: Object Orientation With Prototypes
- Object Instantiation
- Constructors
- Inheritance and Prototype Chain
- Extending Object
- Extending Number
- Instantiation Issues
- Writing class-like code
Module 17: JavaScript Gotchas
- Global Variables
- Scope
- Semicolon Insertions
- Type Coercion
Module 18: Using Templates
- Avoid string concatenation for dynamic generation of UI
- Template syntax
- Exploring Handlebar.js
- Binding data to templates
- Using pre-compiled templates
Module 19: Modular JavaScript
- Techniques for modularizing JavaScirpt code
- Pitfalls of polluting global scope
- Self executing anonymous functions
- Using Namespaces
- Using Require.js for loading dependent modules
Module 20: JQuery
- jQuery fundamentals
- The jQuery wrapper
- Utility functions
- The document ready handler
- Making DOM elements
- Extending jQuery
- Using jQuery with other libraries
Module 21: Wrapped Sets
- Selecting elements for manipulation
- Using basic CSS selectors
- Using child, container, and attribute selectors
- Selecting by position
- Using custom jQuery selectors
- Generating new HTML
- Managing the wrapped element set
- Determining the size of the wrapped set
- Obtaining elements from the wrapped set
- Slicing and dicing the wrapped element set
- Getting wrapped sets using relationships
- Even more ways to use a wrapped set
- Managing jQuery chains
Module 22: Manipulating element properties and attributes
- Manipulating element properties
- Fetching attribute values
- Setting attribute values
- Removing attributes
Module 23: Changing element styling
- Adding and removing class names
- Getting and setting styles
- More useful style-related commands
Module 24: Setting element content
- Replacing HTML or text content
- Moving and copying elements
- Wrapping elements
- Removing elements
- Cloning elements
Module 25: Dealing with form element values
- Using Form filters
- Manipulating Form Values
Module 26: The jQuery Event Model
- Binding event handlers using jQuery
- Removing event handlers
- Inspecting the Event instance
- Affecting the event propagation
- Triggering event handlers
- Other event-related commands
Module 27: Animations
- Implementing a collapsible list
- Toggling the display state of elements
- Animating the display state of elements
- Showing and hiding elements gradually
- Fading elements into and out of existence
- Sliding elements up and down
- Stopping animations
- Creating custom animations
Module 28: AMD and REQUIRE.JS
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
- Understanding the need
- Dependency References
Module 29: Require.js
Module 30: Modules
- Creating Modules
- Defining Functions
- Dependencies
- Defining Modules
- Defining Modules with Names
- Undefining Modules
- Main script
- Base URI and Path
- Using map
Module 32: Advanced
- Loading Modules from Packages
- Multiversion support
- Handling loading errors
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